// File imports
import axios from "axios";
* The server API for the app
* @module tmaApi
* @category Server
* @author Dan Levy <danlevy124@gmail.com>
* @author Daniel Griessler <dgriessler20@gmail.com>
// Sets the base URL for the server
axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.REACT_APP_SERVER_BASE_URL;
* Sets the Axios auth token.
* The auth token only needs to be set when auth changes.
* @function
* @param {string} authToken - The auth token to use for API requests
export const setAxiosAuthToken = (authToken) => {
axios.defaults.headers.common["Authorization"] = authToken;
* A server error
* @typedef {object} ServerError
* @property {object} response - The error response
* @property {string} response.status - The error status code
* @property {object} response.data - The error data (usually just a string)
* A user from the server
* @typedef {object} User
* @property {object} data - The response data
* @property {string} data.firstName - The user's first name
* @property {string} data.lastName - The user's last name
* @property {boolean} data.hasPicture - Indicates if the user has a profile picture
* Gets the user
* @function
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~User|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} A promise containing the user or an error
export const getUser = () => {
return axios.get("/person");
* Adds a user to the database
* @function
* @param {module:tmaApi~User} data - User data
* @returns {Promise<null|ServerError>} A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const addUser = (data) => {
return axios.post("/person", data);
* Updates a user in the database
* @function
* @param {module:tmaApi~User} data - User data
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const updateUser = (data) => {
return axios.put("/person", data);
* The choir access code
* @typedef {object} ChoirAccess
* @property {string} accessCode - The access code of the generated choir
* Adds a choir to the database
* @function
* @param {object} data - Choir data
* @param {string} data.choirName - The name of the choir
* @param {string} data.description - A description of the choir
* @param {string} data.memberType - The member type of the member creating the choir
* @param {string} data.memberRole - The member role of the member creating the choir
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~ChoirAccess|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} A promise containing the access code of the generated choir or an error
export const addChoir = (data) => {
return axios.post("/choir", data);
* A list of choirs
* @typedef {object} ChoirList
* @property {object} data - Choir list data
* @property {module:tmaApi~Choir[]} data.choirs - Choir list
* A choir
* @typedef {object} Choir
* @property {string} choir_id - The ID of the choir
* @property {string} choir_name - The name of the choir
* @property {string} description - A description of the choir
* Gets the choirs that the current user is a part of
* @function
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~ChoirList|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} A promise containing choir information or an error
export const getUsersChoirs = () => {
return axios.get("/choir");
* A list of choir members
* @typedef {object} MemberList
* @property {module:tmaApi~ChoirMember[]} data - Choir member list
* A choir member
* @typedef {object} ChoirMember
* @property {string} first_name The first name of the member
* @property {string} last_name The last name of the member
* @property {string} member_role The role of the member
* @property {string} person_id The ID of the person attached to the member
* @property {boolean} has_picture Whether the given member is attached to a person with a profile picture or not
* Gets the given choir members
* @function
* @param {object} data - Choir data
* @param {string} data.choirId - The ID of the choir to receive members of
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~MemberList|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing members or an error
export const getChoirMembers = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: "/choir/members",
params: data,
* Accepts a given choir member into the given choir
* @function
* @param {object} data - Member data
* @param {object} data.memberId - The ID of the member to accept
* @param {string} data.choirId - The choir ID of the choir that the user should be accepted into
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const acceptChoirMember = (data) => {
return axios.put("/member/accept", data);
* Rejects a given choir member from entering the given choir
* @function
* @param {object} data - Member data
* @param {object} data.memberId - The ID of the member to reject
* @param {string} data.choirId - The choir ID of the choir that the user should be rejected from
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const rejectChoirMember = (data) => {
return axios.put("/member/reject", data);
* A list of choir members.
* This array contains more member data than the {@link module:tmaApi~MemberList}.
* @typedef MemberListExtended
* @property {module:tmaApi~ChoirMemberExtended[]} data - Choir member list
* A choir member.
* This object contains more member data than the {@link module:tmaApi~ChoirMember}.
* @typedef {object} ChoirMemberExtended
* @property {string} member_id - The ID of the member
* @property {string} first_name - The first name of the member
* @property {string} email - The email of the member
* @property {string} member_type - The type of the member
* @property {string} member_role - The role of the member
* @property {boolean} has_picture - Indicates if the member has a profile picture
* Gets pending members of the given choir
* @function
* @param {object} data - Choir data
* @param {string} data.choirId - The ID of the choir to get pending members from
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~MemberListExtended|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing pending members or an error
export const getPendingMembers = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: "/member/pending",
params: data,
* @typedef {object} GetsFeedback
* @property {object} data - Response data
* @property {boolean} gets_feedback Indicates if the user gets feedback (i.e. real-time feedback and performance data)
* Gets if the user recieves feedback
* @function
* @param {Object} data - Sheet music data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The id of the sheet music the user is singing
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~GetsFeedback|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing whether the user gets feedback or an error
export const doesUserGetFeedback = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: `/member/gets-feedback`,
params: data,
* Adds the user as a pending member of the given choir
* @function
* @param {object} data - Member and choir data
* @param {string} data.memberType - The member type that you are attempting to join as
* @param {string} data.memberRole - The member role that you are attempting to join as
* @param {string} data.accessCode - The access code for the choir you are attempting to join
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const joinChoir = (data) => {
return axios.post("/member", data);
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicInfoList
* @property data - Sheet music data
* @property {module:tmaApi~SheetMusicInfo[]} sheet_music - An array of sheet music info
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicInfo
* @property {string} sheet_music_id - The ID of the sheet music
* @property {string} title - The title of the sheet music
* @property {string} composer_names - The names of the composers
* Gets all sheet music for a choir
* @function
* @param data - Choir data
* @param {string} data.choirId - The id of the choir to get sheet music info for
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~SheetMusicInfoList|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing sheet music info or an error
export const getSheetMusic = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: `/sheet-music`,
params: data,
* @typedef {object} SheetMusic
* @property {object} data - Sheet music data
* @property {string} data.sheet_music - The AlphaTex of the sheet music
* @property {string[]} data.part_list - A list of the part (i.e. track) names
* @property {string[]} data.clefs - The clefs per staff
* @property {string} data.part - If not null, then the part of the current user in the sheet music
* Gets a specific piece of sheet music
* @function
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to retrieve
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~SheetMusic|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing sheet music information or an error
export const getSpecificSheetMusic = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: "/sheet-music/specific",
params: data,
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicPart
* @property {object} data - Part data
* @property {number[]} data.performance_expectation - A 1D array of even size with the ith index as the midi value and the i+1 index as the duration of that note for i%2==0
* @property {number[]} data.lower_upper - A 1D two valued array with the lower and upper midi values
* @property {number[]} data.measure_lengths - A collection of the lengths of each Measure. The ith index contains the length in seconds of the i+1 Measure
* Gets a specific part from a specific piece of sheet music
* @function
* @param {object} data - Music data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to retrieve
* @param {string} data.partName - The name of the part to be retrieved
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~SheetMusicPart|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing part information or an error
export const getPartSheetMusic = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: "/sheet-music/part",
params: data,
* @typedef {object} MemberPostNewNoAnalysisPackage
* @property {string} performance_id The ID of the newly generated performance data
* Initalizes a performance for the current user for the provided sheet music
* @function
* @param {Object} data - Music data
* @param {string} data.performanceData - The performance data to be added
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to add the performance to, also used to authenticate user so this is required
* @param {string} data.exerciseId - If not null then the performance will be attached to this exercise otherwise attached to sheet music
* @param {Boolean} data.isDurationExercise - If exercise, specify if it is a duration exercise
* @param {number} data.measureStart - Start of performance
* @param {number} data.measureEnd - End of performance
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~MemberPostNewNoAnalysisPackage|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing the performance id or an error
export const initializeRunningPerformance = (data) => {
return axios.post("/performance/new/no-analysis", data);
* Adds a new performance for the current user for the provided sheet music and analyzes it immediately
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.performanceData - The performance data to be added
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to add the performance to, also used to authenticate user so this is required
* @param {string} data.exerciseId - If not null then the performance will be attached to this exercise otherwise attached to sheet music
* @param {Boolean} data.isDurationExercise - If exercise, specify if it is a duration exercise
* @param {number} data.measureStart - Start of performance
* @param {number} data.measureEnd - End of performance
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const addPerformance = (data) => {
return axios.post("/performance/new/analysis", data);
* Updates a stored performance with additional values
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.performanceData - The performance data to be added
* @param {string} data.performanceId - The performance id to update
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id for the performance
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const updateRunningPerformance = (data) => {
return axios.put("/performance/no-analysis", data);
* Closes out a running performance with the most recent data and asks to analyze it
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.performanceData - The performance data to be added
* @param {string} data.performanceId - The performance id to update
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id for the performance
* @param {string} data.exerciseId - If not null then the performance will be attached to this exercise otherwise attached to sheet music
* @param {Boolean} data.isDurationExercise - If exercise, specify if it is a duration exercise
* @param {number} data.measureStart - Start of performance
* @param {number} data.measureEnd - End of performance
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const closeRunningPerformance = (data) => {
return axios.put("/performance/analysis", data);
* Updates a choir member
* Must be an admin of the choir to update a member
* @function
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.memberId
* @param {string} data.memberType
* @param {string} data.memberRole
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const constUpdateMember = (data) => {
return axios.put("/member/update", data);
* Deletes a choir member
* Must be an admin of the choir to update a member
* @function
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.memberId
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const deleteMember = (data) => {
return axios.delete("/member", data);
* Gets all performances for the user for a given piece of sheet music
* @function
* @param {object} data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const getUsersPerformancesForSheetMusic = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: "/performance/all",
params: data,
* @typedef {object} ExerciseGetPackage
* @property {string} sheet_music The Tex for the exercise
* @property {string[]} part_list A list of the part names of the AlphaTex
* @property {string[]} clefs A list of clefs per staff
* @property {number[]} performance_expectation A 1D array of even size with the ith index as the midi value and the i+1 index as the duration of that note for i%2==0
* @property {number[]} lower_upper A 1D two valued array with the lower and upper midi values
* @property {number[]} measure_lengths A collection of the lengths of each Measure. The ith index contains the length in seconds of the i+1 Measure
* @property {string} part The name of the main exercise to be rendered
* Gets the alphaTex for an exercise
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id from which to generate the exercise
* @param {number} data.trackNumber - The track number to access (note: this is +1 more than the track index for any array)
* @param {number} data.staffNumber - The staff number to access (note: this is +1 more than the staff index for any array)
* @param {number} data.measureStart - The measure number to start with
* @param {number} data.measureEnd - The measure number to end with
* @param {Boolean} data.isDurationExercise - If true, generates a duration exercise otherwise just a normal exercise
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~ExerciseGetPackage|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing information about the exercise or an error
export const getExercise = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: `/exercise`,
params: data,
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicPartGetPackage
* @property {string} sheet_music The created AlphaTex isolating the user's part
* @property {string[]} part_list A list of part (i.e. track) names in the generated AlphaTex
* @property {string[]} clefs Clefs per staff
* @property {number[]} performance_expectation A 1D array of even size with the ith index as the midi value and the i+1 index as the duration of that note for i%2==0
* @property {number[]} lower_upper A 1D two valued array with the lower and upper midi values
* @property {number[]} measure_lengths A collection of the lengths of each Measure. The ith index contains the length in seconds of the i+1 Measure
* @property {string} exerciseId The ID of the exercise created
* Gets the sheet music and performance data for the user's specific part
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to retrieve the part from
* @returns {Promise<module:tmaApi~SheetMusicPartGetPackage|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing information the sheet music or an error
export const getSinglePartSheetMusic = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: `/sheet-music-part`,
params: data,
* Adds selected part to sheet music for given member receiving nothing
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to which the part for the member is being added
* @param {string} data.part - The part from the sheet music that the member is selecting
* @param {string} data.memberId - The member who is selecting a part
* @returns {Promise<null|module:tmaApi~ServerError>} - A promise containing nothing on success or an error
export const pickPartInSheetMusic = (data) => {
return axios.post("/sheet-music-part", data);
* Gets performance progress of member for the given piece of sheet music
* @function
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.sheetMusicId - The sheet music id to which the part for the member is being added
export const getPerformanceProgress = (data) => {
return axios.request({
method: "GET",
url: `/performance-progress`,
params: data,