# new AlphaTabVariables()
# cumulativeTime
Cumulative time passed in song used with the note stream array
# drawer
Instance of the p5 drawer which provides information about the last note heard for drawing
# getsFeedback
Boolean indicating whether or not the user gets feedback
# initialize
Sets AlphaTab variables to their initial values
# isFirstRender
Boolean to distinguish between the first render and subsequent renders
# noteList
Instance of note list providing an average measurement of the last midi value heard
# noteStream
Stream of midi/durations for the expected performance for the green/yellow/red highlighting
# playerState
Enum holding the current state of the player to avoid confusion during re-renders
# sheetMusicLength
Number holding the length of the current sheet music (used for re-rendering in the performance overview page vs the exercise or sheet music view)
# shouldResetDrawPositions
Boolean signaling to p5Obj to reset its draw position
# sketchBehavior
Enum indicating which sketch behavior should be followed based on the current page (e.g. real-time feedback or performance)
# texLoaded
Information about the alphaTex that is currently loaded