const express = require('express');
const auth = require('../middleware/authenticator.js');
const verify = require("../middleware/verifier.js");
const mysql = require("../db/mysql.js");
const router = express.Router();
const alphaProcesser = require('../AlphaTab/ProcessAlphaTab.js');
const ParserPData = require("../Parser/ParserPerformanceData.js");
const Manipulator = require("../Parser/ParsedOutputManipulator.js");
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicGetPackage
* @property {SheetMusicGetReturnPackage[]} sheet_music Information about each piece of sheet music
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicGetReturnPackage
* @property {string} sheet_music_id The ID of the sheet music
* @property {string} title The title of the sheet music
* @property {string} composer_names Metadata about the creators of the sheet music
* Route for getting all sheet music for the choir matching the given choir ID
* @name sheet-music/get
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {string} req.query.choirId The choir ID to be accessed.
* @param {*} res
* @returns {SheetMusicGetPackage|string} Information about the sheet music retrieved. Otherwise, an error message if an error occured
* @async
router.get('/', auth.token, async (req, res) => {
verify.userIsVerified(req,res).then((isVerified) => {
if (!isVerified) {
} else {
let choirId = req.query.choirId;
const errorMessage = "Unable to get sheet music";
if (choirId) {
mysql.getClient().then((client) => {
client.query("SELECT hex(sheet_music_id) AS sheet_music_id, title, composer_names FROM tma.sheet_music INNER JOIN tma.choir ON choir.choir_id = sheet_music.choir_id WHERE choir.choir_id = unhex(?)", [choirId], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
let retObj = {"sheet_music":results};
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicGetSpecificPackage
* @property {string} sheet_music The AlphaTex of the sheet music
* @property {string[]} part_list A list of the part (i.e. track) names
* @property {string[]} clefs The clefs per staff
* @property {string} part If not null, then the part of the current user in the sheet music
* Route for getting performance data and the AlphaTex for a specific piece of sheet music
* @name sheet-music/get/specific
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {string} req.query.sheetMusicId The sheet music ID to be accessed
* @param {*} res
* @returns {SheetMusicGetSpecificPackage|string} In-depth information about the requested sheet music. Otherwise, an error message if an error occured
* @async
router.get('/specific', auth.token, async (req, res) => {
verify.memberOfSheetMusic(req, res).then((choirId) => {
if (choirId === null) {
} else {
let sheetMusicId = req.query.sheetMusicId;
const errorMessage = "Unable to get specific sheet music";
if (sheetMusicId) {
mysql.getClient().then((client) => {
client.query("SELECT encoding,performance_data FROM tma.sheet_music WHERE sheet_music_id = unhex(?)", [sheetMusicId], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
let performanceData = JSON.parse(results[0]['performance_data']);
let partNames = ParserPData.getPartNames(performanceData);
let clefs = ParserPData.getClefs(performanceData);
let retObj = {"sheet_music":results[0]['encoding'], "part_list":partNames, "clefs":clefs};
client.query("SELECT hex(member_id) AS member_id from tma.member WHERE choir_id=unhex(?) AND person_id=?", [choirId, res.locals.uid], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
let memberId = results[0]["member_id"];
client.query("SELECT part FROM tma.member_sheet_music_part WHERE sheet_music_id=unhex(?) AND member_id=unhex(?)", [sheetMusicId, memberId], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
if (results.length === 0) {
retObj.part = null;
} else {
retObj.part = results[0]["part"];
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
* @typedef {object} SheetMusicGetPartPackage
* @property {number[]} performance_expectation A 1D array of even size with the ith index as the midi value and the i+1 index as the duration of that note for i%2==0
* @property {number[]} lower_upper A 1D two valued array with the lower and upper midi values
* @property {number[]} measure_lengths A collection of the lengths of each Measure. The ith index contains the length in seconds of the i+1 Measure
* Route for getting performance information about a specific part in a specific piece of sheet music
* @name sheet-music/get/part
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {string} req.query.sheetMusicId The sheet music ID to be accessed.
* @param {string} req.query.partName The name of the part to be retrieved
* @param {*} res
* @returns {SheetMusicGetPartPackage|string} In-depth information about the part in the requested sheet music. Otherwise, an error message if an error occured
* @async
router.get('/part', auth.token, async (req,res) => {
verify.memberOfSheetMusic(req, res).then((choirId) => {
if (choirId === null) {
} else {
let sheetMusicId = req.query.sheetMusicId;
let partName = req.query.partName;
const errorMessage = "Unable to get part";
if (sheetMusicId && partName) {
mysql.getClient().then((client) => {
client.query("SELECT performance_data FROM tma.sheet_music WHERE sheet_music_id = unhex(?)", [sheetMusicId], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
let performanceData = JSON.parse(results[0]['performance_data']);
let noteStream = ParserPData.getNoteStream(performanceData, partName);
let lowerAndUpper = ParserPData.getLowerAndUpper(noteStream);
let manipulator = new Manipulator(performanceData);
let measureLengths = manipulator.getMeasureTimeLength(partName);
res.status(200).json({"performance_expectation":noteStream, "lower_upper":lowerAndUpper, "measure_lengths":measureLengths});
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
* Route for adding a piece of sheet music
* @name sheet-music/post
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {string} req.body.choirId The choir ID to be accessed
* @param {string} req.body.encoding The AlphaTex of the sheet music to be added
* @param {string} req.body.composerNames Metadata about the creators of the sheet music
* @param {string} req.body.choirId The ID of the choir to which to attach the sheet music
* @param {object} req.body.lyrics Lyrics per staff as a space separated string for each lyric
* @param {*} res
* @returns {string} An error message if an error occured
* @async
*/'/', auth.token, async (req,res) => {
verify.admin(req,res).then((isVerified) => {
if (!isVerified) {
} else {
let texInput = req.body.encoding;
let title = req.body.title;
let composers = req.body.composerNames;
let choirId = req.body.choirId;
let lyricsMap = req.body.lyrics;
const errorMessage = "Unable to add sheet music";
if (texInput && title && composers && choirId && lyricsMap) {
let parsedOutput = alphaProcesser.process(texInput, lyricsMap);
mysql.getClient().then((client) => {
client.query("insert into tma.sheet_music (sheet_music_id, encoding, title, composer_names, performance_data, person_id, choir_id) values(unhex(replace(uuid(),\"-\",\"\")), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, unhex(?))", [texInput, title, composers, parsedOutput.toString(), res.locals.uid, choirId], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
module.exports = router;