const express = require('express');
const auth = require('../middleware/authenticator.js');
const verify = require('../middleware/verifier.js');
const mysql = require("../db/mysql.js");
const router = express.Router();
const accessCode = require("../util/accessCode.js");
* @typedef {object} ChoirGetPackage
* @property {ChoirGetReturnPackage[]} choirs Information on each choir retrieved
* @typedef {object} ChoirGetReturnPackage
* @property {string} choir_id The ID of the choir
* @property {string} choir_name The name of the choir
* @property {string} description A description of the choir
* Route for getting all choir information
* @name choir/get
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {*} res
* @returns {ChoirGetPackage|string} When successful, returns information about the choirs retrieved. Otherwise an error message
* @async
router.get('/', auth.token, async(req,res) => {
let client = await mysql.getClient();
const errorMessage = "Unable to get choirs";
client.query("SELECT hex(choir.choir_id) AS choir_id, choir_name, description FROM tma.choir INNER JOIN tma.member ON choir.choir_id = member.choir_id WHERE person_id = ? AND member_status='verified'", [res.locals.uid], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
let retObj = {"choirs":results};
* @typedef {ChoirGetMembersReturnPackage[]} ChoirGetMembersPackage Information about the retrieved members from the choir
* @typedef {object} ChoirGetMembersReturnPackage
* @property {string} first_name The first name of the member
* @property {string} last_name The last name of the member
* @property {string} member_role The role of the member
* @property {string} person_id The ID of the person attached to the member
* @property {boolean} has_picture Whether the given member is attached to a person with a profile picture or not
* Route for getting all the members of a given choir if the user is verified to be in that choir
* @name choir/get/members
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {string} req.query.choirId The choir ID to be accessed
* @param {*} res
* @returns {ChoirGetMembersPackage|string} When successful, returns information about the members in the choir. Otherwise an error message
* @async
router.get('/members', auth.token, async (req,res) => {
verify.userIsVerified(req,res).then((isVerified) => {
if (!isVerified) {
} else {
let choirId = req.query.choirId;
const errorMessage = "Unable to get choir";
if (choirId) {
mysql.getClient().then((client) => {
client.query("SELECT first_name, last_name, member_type, member_role, tma.member.person_id AS person_id, has_picture FROM tma.member INNER JOIN tma.person ON member.person_id = person.person_id WHERE choir_id = unhex(?)", [choirId], function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else if (results.length === 0) {
} else {
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
* @typedef {object} ChoirPostPackage
* @property {string} accessCode The access code of the generated choir
* Route for adding a choir and sets the current user as the admin of that choir
* @name choir/post
* @function
* @inner
* @param {*} req
* @param {string} req.body.choirName The name of the choir to be created
* @param {string} req.body.description A description of the choir to be created. Can't be undefined but can be null
* @param {string} req.body.memberType The type of the member to be created as the initial member into the choir
* @param {string} req.body.memberRole The role of the member to be created as the initial member into the choir
* @param {*} res
* @returns {ChoirPostPackage|string} When successful, the access code of the generated choir. Otherwise, an error message
* @async
*/'/', auth.token, async (req,res) => {
let name = req.body.choirName;
let description = req.body.description;
let type = req.body.memberType;
let role = req.body.memberRole;
const errorMessage = "Unable to add choir";
if (name && description !== undefined && type && role) {
let client = await mysql.getClient();
client.beginTransaction(function(error) {
if (error) {
} else {
client.query("SELECT uuid()", function(error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
res.locals.generated_uuid = results[0]["uuid()"];
accessCode.getAccessCode().then((generatedAccessCode) => {
client.query("insert into tma.choir (choir_id, choir_name, description, access_code) values(unhex(replace(?,'-','')), ?, ?, ?)",[res.locals.generated_uuid,name,description,generatedAccessCode], function (error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
client.rollback(function() {
} else {
"insert into tma.member (member_id, member_type, member_role, choir_id, person_id, member_status, gets_feedback) values(unhex(replace(uuid(),'-','')), ?, ?, unhex(replace(?,'-','')), ?, 'verified', 1)",[type,role,res.locals.generated_uuid,res.locals.uid], function (error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
client.rollback(function() {
} else {
client.commit(function(error) {
if (error) {
client.rollback(function() {
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
} else {
module.exports = router;