* Gets the part names of the given data
* @param {ParsedOutputPackage} pData The parsed data
* @returns {string[]} The names of the parts (i.e. tracks)
const getPartNames = (pData) => {
let partNames = [];
if (Array.isArray(pData['tracks'])) {
pData['tracks'].every( (track) => partNames.push(track['name']));
} else {
let track = pData['tracks'];
return partNames;
* Gets the expected note stream of the part with the provided part name
* @param {ParsedOutputPackage} pData The parsed data
* @param {string} partName The part (i.e. track) name to be accessed
* @returns {number[]} A 1D array of even size with the ith index as the midi value and the i+1 index as the duration of that note for i%2==0
const getNoteStream = (pData, partName) => {
let noteStream = [];
if (Array.isArray(pData['tracks'])) {
pData['tracks'].forEach((track) => {
getNoteStreamTrack(noteStream, track, partName);
} else {
getNoteStreamTrack(noteStream, pData['tracks'], partName);
return noteStream;
* Gets the expected note stream of the given track if its name matches the given part name
* @param {number[]} noteStream The expected expected note stream to be filled
* @param {ParsedOutputTrackPackage} track The Track object to be accessed
* @param {string} partName The part (i.e. track) name to be accessed
* @private
const getNoteStreamTrack = (noteStream, track, partName) => {
if (track['name'] === partName) {
getNoteStreamRecursive(noteStream, track, ['staffs','measures','chords', 'pitches'], 0);
* Utility function for recursing on the structure of the ParsedOutputTrackPackage creating the expected note stream
* @param {number[]} noteStream The expected expected note stream
* @param {ParsedOutputStaffPackage|ParsedOutputMeasurePackage|ParsedOutputChordPackage|ParsedOutputPitchPackage} currentLevel The current level accessed
* @param {string[]} levelNames The set of nested levels within the ParsedOutputTrackPackage
* @param {number} levelIndex The current index into the levelNames
* @private
const getNoteStreamRecursive = (noteStream, currentLevel, levelNames, levelIndex) => {
if (levelIndex >= levelNames.length) {
if (Array.isArray(currentLevel)) {
currentLevel.forEach((note) => {
} else {
} else {
let nextLevelName = levelNames[levelIndex];
if (Array.isArray(currentLevel[nextLevelName])) {
currentLevel[nextLevelName].forEach((nextLevel) => getNoteStreamRecursive(noteStream, nextLevel, levelNames, levelIndex + 1));
} else {
getNoteStreamRecursive(noteStream, currentLevel[nextLevelName], levelNames, levelIndex + 1);
* @typedef {object} ExpectedNotePackage
* @property {number} duration The duration in seconds of the note
* @property {number} measureNumber The measure number that this note belongs to
* @property {number} midiValue The midi value of the note
* Utility function for addNotesToExpectedPerformance to add the notes in the given Chord to the expected performance
* @param {ParsedOutputChordPackage} chord The Chord object to be accessed
* @param {ExpectedNotePackage[]} expectedPerformance A pointer to the expected performance array to be filled
* @param {number} measureNumber The current measure number
* @param {boolean} isDurationExercise If true then this is a duration exercise otherwise if false then it's not
* @private
const addNotesToExpectedPerformanceChords = (chord, expectedPerformance, measureNumber, isDurationExercise) => {
if (Array.isArray(chord["pitches"])) {
chord["pitches"].forEach((note) => {
const newNote = {
duration: note["duration"],
measureNumber: measureNumber
if (isDurationExercise) {
newNote.midiValue = 60;
} else {
newNote.midiValue = note["midiValue"];
} else {
let note = chord["pitches"];
const newNote = {
duration: note["duration"],
measureNumber: measureNumber
if (isDurationExercise) {
newNote.midiValue = 60;
} else {
newNote.midiValue = note["midiValue"];
* Utility function for getExpectedPerformance to add the notes in the given Measure to the expected performance
* @param {ParsedOutputMeasurePackage} measure The Measure object to be accessed
* @param {ExpectedNotePackage[]} expectedPerformance A pointer to the expected performance array to be filled
* @param {number} measureNumber The current measure number
* @param {boolean} isDurationExercise If true then this is a duration exercise otherwise if false then it's not
* @private
const addNotesToExpectedPerformance = (measure, expectedPerformance, measureNumber, isDurationExercise) => {
if (Array.isArray(measure["chords"])) {
measure["chords"].forEach((chord) => {
addNotesToExpectedPerformanceChords(chord, expectedPerformance, measureNumber, isDurationExercise);
} else {
addNotesToExpectedPerformanceChords(measure["chords"], expectedPerformance, measureNumber, isDurationExercise);
* @typedef ExpectedPerformanceAndSizePackage
* @property {ExpectedNotePackage[]} expectedPerformance The expected performance of the Track and Staff within the given bounds of the given type
* @property {number} measureSize The number of measures included in expected performance
* Gets the expected performance of within the given bounds of the Staff at the specified index of the Track at the specified index
* @param {ParsedOutputPackage} pData The parsed data
* @param {number} trackIndex The index of the Track to be accessed
* @param {number} staffIndex The index of the Staff to be accessed
* @param {number[]} measureBounds The lower and upper bounds of the measures to be accessed. If null, then will retrieve all measures
* @param {boolean} isDurationExercise If true then this is a duration exercise otherwise if false then it's not
* @returns {ExpectedPerformanceAndSizePackage} The expected performance and the number of measures returned
const getExpectedPerformance = (pData, trackIndex, staffIndex, measureBounds, isDurationExercise) => {
let expectedPerformance = null;
let measureSize = 0;
let track = null;
if (Array.isArray(pData["tracks"])) {
for (let i = 0; i < pData["tracks"].length; i++) {
if (i === trackIndex) {
track = pData["tracks"][i];
} else if (trackIndex === 0) {
track = pData["tracks"];
if (track !== null) {
let staff = null;
if (Array.isArray(track["staffs"])) {
for (let i = 0; i < track["staffs"].length; i++) {
if (i === staffIndex) {
staff = track["staffs"][i];
} else if (staffIndex === 0) {
staff = track["staffs"];
if (staff !== null) {
expectedPerformance = [];
if (measureBounds !== null) {
if (Array.isArray(staff["measures"])) {
for (let i = 0; i < staff["measures"].length; i++) {
if (measureBounds === null || (measureBounds !== null && i+1 >= measureBounds[0])) {
if (measureBounds!== null && i+1 > measureBounds[1]) {
} else {
addNotesToExpectedPerformance(staff["measures"][i], expectedPerformance, i+1, isDurationExercise);
if (measureBounds !== null) {
measureSize = Math.abs(measureBounds[1] - measureBounds[0] + 1);
} else {
measureSize = staff["measures"].length;
} else {
if (measureBounds === null || (measureBounds !== null && measureBounds[0] == 1)) {
addNotesToExpectedPerformance(staff["measures"], expectedPerformance, 1, isDurationExercise);
if (measureBounds !== null) {
measureSize = Math.abs(measureBounds[1] - measureBounds[0] + 1);
} else {
measureSize = 1;
return {expectedPerformance, measureSize };
const LOWEST_MIDI = 21;
const HIGHEST_MIDI = 108;
const WIGGLE = 5;
* Gets the lower and upper bounds of the given note stream
* @param {number[]} noteStream A stream of midi/duration numbers where the ith number is a midi value and the i+1th number is its duration for all i%2==0
* @returns {number[]} A 1D two valued array with the lower and upper midi values
const getLowerAndUpper = (noteStream) => {
let lowerAndUpper = [HIGHEST_MIDI, LOWEST_MIDI];
for (let i = 0; i < noteStream.length; i += 2) {
if (noteStream[i] < 0) {
if (noteStream[i] > lowerAndUpper[0]) {
if (noteStream[i] > lowerAndUpper[1]) {
lowerAndUpper[1] = noteStream[i];
} else if (noteStream[i] < lowerAndUpper[0]) {
lowerAndUpper[0] = noteStream[i];
if (lowerAndUpper[0] > lowerAndUpper[1]) {
lowerAndUpper[1] = lowerAndUpper[0];
if (lowerAndUpper[0] === HIGHEST_MIDI && lowerAndUpper[1] === LOWEST_MIDI) {
lowerAndUpper[0] = LOWEST_MIDI;
lowerAndUpper[1] = HIGHEST_MIDI;
} else {
lowerAndUpper[0] -= WIGGLE;
lowerAndUpper[1] += WIGGLE;
if (lowerAndUpper[0] < LOWEST_MIDI) {
lowerAndUpper[0] = LOWEST_MIDI;
if (lowerAndUpper[1] > HIGHEST_MIDI) {
lowerAndUpper[1] = HIGHEST_MIDI;
return lowerAndUpper;
* Utility function for getClefs which gets the clefs of the given track and adds them to the list of clefs
* @param {ParsedOutputTrackPackage} track The Track object to be accessed
* @param {string[]} clefs A pointer to the list of clefs to which to add the clefs of the staffs of the given track
* @private
const getClefsStaff = (track, clefs) => {
let staffClef = [];
if (Array.isArray(track["staffs"])) {
track["staffs"].forEach((staff) => {
if (staff["clef"]) {
} else {
} else {
let staff = track["staffs"];
if (staff["clef"]) {
} else {
* Gets the clefs of each Staff
* @param {ParsedOutputPackage} pData The parsed data
* @returns {string[][]|string[]} Clefs per Staff
const getClefs = (pData) => {
let clefs = [];
if (Array.isArray(pData["tracks"])) {
pData["tracks"].forEach((track) => {
getClefsStaff(track, clefs);
} else {
let track = pData["tracks"];
getClefsStaff(track, clefs);
return clefs;
* @typedef {object} ProgressDataPackage
* @property {number[]} progressData A score per measure representing how well they are doing with that measure (scale 0-100)
* @property {number} trackIndex The index of the track for which the progress data applies
* Creates an empty progress data array (a collection of scores per measure) and gets the index of the track matching the track name
* @param {ParsedOutputPackage} pData The parsed data
* @param {string} trackName The name of the track to be accessed
* @returns {ProgressDataPackage} A new progress data and the track index for the track matching the requested track name
const createEmptyProgressData = (pData, trackName) => {
let progressData = null;
let trackIndex = -1;
let track = null;
if (Array.isArray(pData["tracks"])) {
for (let i = 0; i < pData["tracks"].length; i++) {
const nextTrack = pData["tracks"][i];
if (nextTrack.name === trackName) {
track = nextTrack;
trackIndex = i;
} else {
const nextTrack = pData["tracks"];
if (nextTrack.name === trackName) {
track = nextTrack;
if (track !== null) {
progressData = [];
let staff = null;
if (Array.isArray(track["staffs"])) {
staff = track["staffs"][0];
} else {
staff = track["staffs"];
if (Array.isArray(staff["measures"])) {
staff["measures"].forEach((measure) => {
} else {
return {progressData, trackIndex};
module.exports = {getPartNames : getPartNames, getNoteStream: getNoteStream, getLowerAndUpper: getLowerAndUpper, getClefs: getClefs, createEmptyProgressData: createEmptyProgressData, getExpectedPerformance: getExpectedPerformance};