* @class
* @classdesc Encapsulates functions to convert am A;phaTexStructure into a ParsedOutputPackage for more efficient storage in the database
class ParserOutput {
* Creates a new ParserOutput
* @param {AlphaTexStructure} alphaTexStructure The main AlphaTexStructure to be converted
constructor(alphaTexStructure) {
this.alphaTexStructure = alphaTexStructure;
this.mainObj = null;
* Pushes the provided value onto the attribute of the provided object
* @param {object} obj The object to add the value to with the given attribute
* @param {string} attribute The attribute of the object to be assigned
* @param {object} newValue The value to be assigned
* @private
push(obj, attribute, newValue) {
if (obj[attribute] === undefined) {
obj[attribute] = newValue;
} else if (!Array.isArray(obj[attribute])) {
let arr = [obj[attribute], newValue];
obj[attribute] = arr;
} else {
* @typedef {object} ParsedOutputPackage
* @property {ParsedOutputTrackPackage[]|ParsedOutputTrackPackage} tracks The collection of tracks
* @typedef {object} ParsedOutputTrackPackage
* @property {string} name The name of the Track
* @property {ParsedOutputStaffPackage[]} staffs The collection of staffs
* Creates and adds a new ParsedOutputTrackPackage object to the main ParsedOutputPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputPackage} obj Object that will get the new Track added to its list of Tracks
* @param {string} trackName The name of the new Track to be created
* @returns {ParsedOutputTrackPackage} The created Track object
* @private
addTrack(obj, trackName) {
let track = {"name" : trackName, "staffs":[]};
this.push(obj, "tracks", track);
return track;
* @typedef {object} ParsedOutputStaffPackage
* @property {string} name The name of the Staff prepended by "staff_"
* @property {string} keySignature The key signature of the Staff
* @property {string[]} lyrics Optional. If present, contains the lyrics of the Staff
* @property {string} clef Optional. If present, contains the clef of the Staff
* @property {ParsedOutputMeasurePackage[]|ParsedOutputMeasurePackage} measures The collection of the Measures
* Creates and adds a new ParsedOutputStaffPackage object to a ParsedOutputTrackPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputTrackPackage} obj The Track that will get the new Staff added to its collection of Staffs
* @param {string} keySignature The key signature of the Staff to be created
* @param {string} lyrics If defined, the lyrics of the Staff to be created
* @param {string} clef If defined, the clef of the Staff to be created
* @returns {ParsedOutputStaffPackage} The newly created Staff object. Doesn't start with a measures array.
* @private
addStaff(obj, keySignature, lyrics, clef) {
let staff = {"name": "staff_" + obj.staffs.length.toString(), "keySignature":keySignature}
if (lyrics) {
staff.lyrics = lyrics;
if (clef) {
staff.clef = clef;
this.push(obj, "staffs", staff);
return staff;
* @typedef {object} ParsedOutputMeasurePackage
* @property {Map} attributesStr Mapping from String attributes to String values
* @property {Map} attributesInt Mapping from String attributes to number values
* @property {ParsedOutputChordPackage[]|ParsedOutputChordPackage} chords The collection of the Chords
* Creates and adds a new ParsedOutputMeasurePackage object to a ParsedOutputStaffPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputStaffPackage} obj The Staff that will get the new Measure added to its collection of Measures
* @param {Map} measureAttributesString A mapping from String attributes to String values
* @param {Map} measureAttributesInt A mapping from String attributes to number values
* @returns {ParsedOutputMeasurePackage} The newly created Measure object. Doesn't start with a chords array.
* @private
addMeasure(obj, measureAttributesString, measureAttributesInt) {
let measure = {};
let attributesStr = {};
measureAttributesString.forEach((value, key, map) => {
attributesStr[key] = value;
measure["attributesStr"] = attributesStr;
let attributesInt = {};
measureAttributesInt.forEach((value, key, map) => {
attributesInt[key] = value;
measure["attributesInt"] = attributesInt;
this.push(obj, "measures", measure);
return measure;
* @typedef {object} ParsedOutputChordPackage
* @property {ParsedOutputPitchPackage[]|ParsedOutputPitchPackage} pitches The collection of the Pitches
* Creates and adds a new ParsedOutputChordPackage object to a ParsedOutputMeasurePackage
* @param {ParsedOutputMeasurePackage} obj The Measure that will get the new Chord added to its collection of Chords
* @returns {ParsedOutputChordPackage} The newly created Chord object. Doesn't start with a pitches array.
* @private
addChord(obj) {
let chord = {};
this.push(obj, "chords", chord);
return chord;
* @typedef {object} ParsedOutputPitchPackage
* @property {number} midiValue The midi value of the Pitch
* @property {number} duration The duration in seconds of the Pitch
* @property {Set} beatEffects A collection of String beat effects that affect the Pitch
* @property {Set} noteEffects A collection of String note effects that affect the Pitch
* Creates and adds a new ParsedOutputPitchPackage object to a ParsedOutputChordPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputChordPackage} obj The Chord that will get the new Pitch added to its collection of Pitches
* @param {number} midi The midi value for the newly created Pitch
* @param {number} time The duration of the newly created Pitch in seconds
* @param {Set} noteBeatEffects A Set of beat effects for the Pitch
* @param {Set} noteNoteEffects A Set of note effects for the Pitch
* @returns {ParsedOutputPitchPackage} The newly created Pitch object.
* @private
addPitch(obj, midi, time, noteBeatEffects, noteNoteEffects) {
let pitch = {"midiValue" : midi, "duration" : time};
let beatEffects = [];
if (noteBeatEffects !== undefined) {
noteBeatEffects.forEach((value1, value2, set) => {
pitch["beatEffects"] = beatEffects;
let noteEffects = [];
if (noteNoteEffects !== undefined) {
noteNoteEffects.forEach((value1, value2, set) => {
pitch["noteEffects"] = noteEffects;
this.push(obj, "pitches", pitch);
return pitch;
* Parses the AlphaTexStructure into a ParsedOutputPackage
* @param {object} lyricsPerStaff Relates Staff indexes to lyric strings.
parse(lyricsPerStaff) {
let mainObj = {};
let currentTempoFactor;
let startingCurrentTempoFactor = SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
if (this.alphaTexStructure.getInt("tempo") !== null) {
mainObj["tempo"] = this.alphaTexStructure.getInt("tempo");
startingCurrentTempoFactor /= this.alphaTexStructure.getInt("tempo");
} else {
mainObj["tempo"] = 80;
startingCurrentTempoFactor /= 80;
let staffIndex = 0;
this.alphaTexStructure.tracks.forEach((track) => {
let trackObject = this.addTrack(mainObj, track.getTrackName());
track.trackData.staffs.forEach((staff) => {
currentTempoFactor = startingCurrentTempoFactor;
let staffObject = this.addStaff(trackObject, staff.attributesStr.get("keySignature"), (lyricsPerStaff[staffIndex] ? lyricsPerStaff[staffIndex].split(" ") : undefined), staff.attributesStr.get("clef") );
staff.measures.forEach((measure) => {
let measureObject = this.addMeasure(staffObject, measure.attributesStr, measure.attributesInt);
if (measure.getInt("tempo") !== undefined) {
currentTempoFactor = SECONDS_IN_MINUTE / measure.getInt("tempo");
measure.chords.forEach((chord) => {
let chordObject = this.addChord(measureObject);
chord.notes.forEach((note) => {
this.addPitch(chordObject, note.getMidiValue(), note.getDurationInSeconds(currentTempoFactor),
note.beatEffects, note.noteEffects);
this.mainObj = mainObj;
* Creates the pretty string for the given ParsedOutputPitchPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputPitchPackage} pitch The Pitch object to be converted
* @returns {string} A pretty String representation of the Pitch
* @private
pitchToString(pitch) {
let output = "";
if (pitch["beatEffects"].length > 0) {
output += "\t\t\t\tBeatEffects: {\n";
for (let key in pitch["beatEffects"]) {
output += "\t\t\t\t\t" + pitch["beatEffects"][key] + "\n";
output += "\t\t\t\t}\n";
if (pitch["noteEffects"].length > 0) {
output += "\t\t\t\t\NoteEffects: {\n";
for (let key in pitch["noteEffects"]) {
output += "\t\t\t\t\t" + pitch["noteEffects"][key] + "\n";
output += "\t\t\t\t}\n";
output += "\t\t\t\t";
output += pitch.midiValue.toString();
output += " ";
output += pitch.duration.toString();
output += "\n";
return output;
* Creates the pretty string for the notes in the given ParsedOutputChordPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputChordPackage} chord The Chord object to be converted
* @returns {string} A pretty String representation of the Chord
* @private
notesToString(chord) {
let ret = {"count" : 0};
let output = "";
if (Array.isArray(chord.pitches)) {
chord.pitches.forEach((pitch) => {
output += this.pitchToString(pitch);
ret.count = ret.count + 1;
} else {
output += this.pitchToString(chord.pitches);
ret.count = ret.count + 1;
ret.output = output;
return ret;
* Creates the pretty string for the given ParsedOutputMeasurePackage
* @param {ParsedOutputMeasurePackage} measure The Measure object to be converted
* @returns {string} A pretty String representation of the Measure
* @private
chordsToString(measure) {
let output = "";
if (Array.isArray(measure.chords)) {
measure.chords.forEach((chord) => {
let notesOutput = this.notesToString(chord);
if (notesOutput.count > 1) {
output += "\t\t\t{\n";
output += notesOutput.output;
output += "\t\t\t}\n";
} else {
output += notesOutput.output;
} else {
let notesOutput = this.notesToString(measure.chords);
if (notesOutput.count > 1) {
output += "\t\t\t{\n";
output += notesOutput.output;
output += "\t\t\t}\n";
} else {
output += notesOutput.output;
return output;
* Creates the pretty string for the given ParsedOutputStaffPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputStaffPackage} staff The Staff object to be converted
* @returns {string} A pretty String representation of the given Staff object
* @private
measuresToString(staff) {
let output = "";
if (Array.isArray(staff.measures)) {
staff.measures.forEach((measure) => {
output += "\t\tMeasure:\n";
output += "\t\t\tAttributesString: {\n";
for (let key in measure["attributesStr"]) {
output += "\t\t\t\t" + key + " : " + measure["attributesStr"][key] + "\n";
output += "\t\t\t}\n";
output += "\t\t\tAttributesInt: {\n";
for (let key in measure["attributesInt"]) {
output += "\t\t\t\t" + key + " : " + measure["attributesInt"][key] + "\n";
output += "\t\t\t}\n";
output += this.chordsToString(measure);
} else {
output += "\t\tMeasure:\n";
output += this.chordsToString(staff.measures);
return output;
* Creates the pretty string for the given ParsedOutputTrackPackage
* @param {ParsedOutputTrackPackage} track The Track object to be converted
* @returns {string} A pretty String representation of the given Track object
* @private
staffToString(track) {
let output = "";
if (Array.isArray(track.staffs)) {
track.staffs.forEach((staff) => {
output += "\tStaff: ";
output +=;
output += "\n";
output += this.measuresToString(staff);
} else {
output += "\tStaff: ";
output +=;
output += "\n";
output += this.measuresToString(tracks.staffs);
return output;
* Creates a pretty String representation of the ParsedOutputPackage
* @returns {string} The pretty String representation of the ParsedOutputPackage
toPrettyString() {
let output = "";
if (this.mainObj === null) {
return output;
if (this.mainObj["tempo"]) {
output += "tempo: " + this.mainObj["tempo"] + "\n";
if (Array.isArray(this.mainObj.tracks)) {
this.mainObj.tracks.forEach((track) => {
output += "Track: ";
output +=;
output += "\n";
output += this.staffToString(track);
} else {
output += "Track: ";
output +=;
output += "\n";
output += this.staffToString(this.mainObj.tracks);
return output;
* Returns the result of stringifing the ParsedOutputPackage
* @returns {string} The result of stringifing the ParsedOutputPackage
toString() {
return JSON.stringify(this.mainObj);
module.exports = ParserOutput