const BASE_MIDI_OCTAVE_ZERO = 21; // octave zero is special because it doesn't follow the octave pattern
const BASE_MIDI_OCTAVE_ONE = 24; // octave one starts the normal octave pattern
const NUM_HALF_BETWEEN_OCTAVE = 12; // number of half steps in an octave
* @class
* @classdesc Encapsulates each note in the music composed of the string part of the note, octave, duration in alphaTex, set of beateffects, set of noteeffects
class Note {
* Creates a new Note
constructor() {
this.note = "";
this.octave = -1;
this.duration = -1;
this.beatEffects = undefined;
this.noteEffects = undefined;
* Sets the string part of the note
* @param {string} note string part of a note including sharps (#) and flats (b)
setNote(note) {
this.note = note;
* Sets the octave of the note
* @param {number} octave octave of the note to be set
setOctave(octave) {
this.octave = octave;
* Sets duration of the note based on alphaTex
* @param {number} duration duration of the note in alphatex (1,2,4,8,16, etc.)
setDuration(duration) {
this.duration = duration;
* Adds beat effect to set
* @param {string} effect effect to be added
addBeatEffect(effect) {
if (this.beatEffects === undefined) {
this.beatEffects = new Set();
* Copies beat effects from source
* @param {object} source Source must have getInt, getStr, attributesBool
* @property {function} source.getInt Provides a number matched with the provided String else undefined
* @property {function} source.getStr Provides a String matched with the provided String else undefined
* @property {Set} source.attributesBool Set with String attributes
copyBeatEffects(source) {
if (source.getInt("tuplet")) {
this.addBeatEffect("tuplet " + source.getInt("tuplet").toString());
if (source.getStr("dynamic")) {
this.addBeatEffect("dynamic " + source.getStr("dynamic").toString());
source.attributesBool.forEach((value1, value2, set) => {
* Checks if beateffects contains the effect
* @param {string} effect String of effect to check for
* @returns {boolean} boolean if the effect is in the set of beat effects
containsBeatEffect(effect) {
return this.beatEffects !== undefined && this.beatEffects.has(effect);
* Gets offset of note from base value based on string part stored in this.note
* @returns {number} The offset of the note
getNoteOffset() {
let base;
switch(this.note[0]) {
case 'c': base = 0;
case 'd': base = 2;
case 'e': base = 4;
case 'f': base = 5;
case 'g': base = 7;
case 'a': base = 9;
case 'b': base = 11;
base = -1;
for (let i = 1; i < this.note.length; i++) {
if (this.note[i] === '#') {
} else if (this.note[i] === 'b') {
return base;
* Calculates and returns the midi value of the stored string representation of the note with the stored octave
* @returns {number} The midi value of the stored note or -1 if no octave
getMidiValue() {
if (this.octave < 0) {
return -1;
let midi = this.octave == 0 ? BASE_MIDI_OCTAVE_ZERO : BASE_MIDI_OCTAVE_ONE;
let adjustedOctave = this.octave == 0 ? 0 : this.octave - 1;
return midi + NUM_HALF_BETWEEN_OCTAVE * adjustedOctave + this.getNoteOffset();
* Gets the duration in seconds of the stored note
* @param {number} currentTempoFactor the current tempo factor affecting the length of the note
* @returns {number} The duration in seconds
getDurationInSeconds(currentTempoFactor) {
let durationReal = 4 / this.duration;
let durationInSeconds = currentTempoFactor * durationReal;
if (this.beatEffects !== undefined && this.beatEffects.has("dotted")) {
durationInSeconds *= 1.5;
return durationInSeconds;
* Converts Note to a pretty string
* @returns {string} The pretty string representation of the note
toString() {
let output = "";
output += this.note;
if (this.octave > 0) {
output += this.octave.toString(10);
if (this.beatEffects !== undefined && this.beatEffects.size > 0) {
output += "{";
this.beatEffects.forEach((value1, value2, set) => {
output += " ";
output += value1;
output += " }";
output += ".";
output += this.duration.toString(10);
if (this.noteEffects != undefined && this.noteEffects.size > 0) {
output += "{";
this.noteEffects.forEach((value1, value2, set) => {
output += " ";
output += value1;
output += " }";
return output;
module.exports = Note